Sunday 26 June 2011

the news

So, post my blog entry Friday, life has been quite eventful. Apartment and I went clubbing to a place called Trist (and no, don’t get excited, it is the same place that was once Ra, then Play, then Ra Again, and now Trist. And I might even have missed a few name/owner changes in the middle). Not that this is a Mumbai club review blog, but I’ll honour you with my opinion anyway – don’t waste your time. The more clubs I see, the more I end up loving Polly Esters. I shit you not it was only children! I wonder how much the place must pay the cops to keep them out, especially with the newly popularised 25-year drinking age limit.

Anyway, so we're all dolled up, and thankfully the Boy decides to come along, and it's an all apartment thing (sans Sneha, of course), and it is soo close to being a tra la la evening. We reach the place, and Boy is on his fancy phone, and finally he says is, "So guys, I got accepted into Carnegie Mellon!!!" My heart does this excited victory dance and I'm dying to get my chance to hug him very patiently till Ronak asks, "So when will you have to go..?" Boy says, "...early August probably..." My heart stops as my brain does this quick calculation estimating the time we have left together as a little over a month... digesting... digesting... digesting... I hug him, and he sees the half-smile on my face.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the extremely sticky and annoying kind of girlfriends, and I'm soo happy for him! So, so, so happy! But one month?! I wanted to kick myself. The poor boy had been telling me over and over that we hadn't been spending enough time, and I kept ignoring it. For some lame-arse reason, I was under the impression that he would only be leaving in December.  Man, did I want to kick myself hard. My being a little concerned is valid, me thinks. It is going to be for a minimum of 5 years. 5 years, goddamit!

Here is what makes it worse. Vartika (one of my closest friends from Jewellery school) has also left me, my dear Ronan (my fav Bene Israeli boy) will be leaving me on the 4th, and now the boy has decided to leave too. 
Yep, the story of my life... 

If any of you - Ronan, Vert or Boy read this, know that I am extremely jubilant that you guys are going on to expand the horizons of what life has to offer you, and I hope to dear God that you make the best of it. Nonetheless, you shall be missed dearly. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I thought Harsh would have told you earlier that he got into Carnegie :$

    It must have been a huge surprise for you i'm sure then! Yep make the most of the month that is left :)
